On August 4th, 1790, the United States Coast Guard was signed into existence as the Revenue Cutter Service by Alexander Hamilton. So tomorrow is the 220th anniversary of the US's longest, continuous sea going service. I retired from the Coast Guard in 1992 after serving a tad over 20 years. While I wouldn't want to do it again, I am proud of my service and do have many fond memories of the various places I went (some of them even historical - sort of). Remember the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - I was there for a bit. I'm also proud to say that one of my children is currently serving in the Coast Guard and has currently served (I think) going on 7 years. He's currently stationed in Miami (I know! Its tough - but someone has to do it.). (This illustration is "No Way" an official USCG logo - I just thought it was cool.)
Anyway - SALUTE - to all those serving on active duty - no matter which branch. But especially (this month) to those in the U. S. Coast Guard! And if you don't know - my title for this entry is the Coast Guard motto -hich is latin for "Always Ready".
Everyone have a great day!
love you baby, i am very proud of you having so much pride of your career and your kids, that's just one of the things i love about you! hugs, debra