Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ramblings and the Doctor

As anyone who knows me well knows, I have been a fan of the BBC sci fi show "Doctor Who" for over 30 years. And I'm happy to say the show still surprises me. The current season (showing on BBC America) ended this past Saturday night and I totally enjoyed it. I would rate Matt Smith (actor currently playing the Doctor) as my 2nd favorite all-time. I still rate Tom Baker as my favorite, but only because he was the Doctor when I first became aware of the show (way back in late 70's when it was on PBS ) and he continues to be the longest running doctor (he had the role from 1974-1981). Anyway, without giving away any of the plot. The show got me a little teary eyed at a couple of points. It dealt with the possible end of the universe and/or the death of the doctor and at one point the doctor says that "After we are gone, all that is left is the stories". With my near-fatal wreck a few weeks ago - that hit close to home. It also kinda made me realize that I want all my family and friends to have lots of, and very good, stories to remember me by when I'm gone. So watch out - I plan on a long, happy, and enjoyable life. Hope you're up to the ride!

1 comment:

  1. dude, i have way great stories of you, and look forward to adding plenty more. i might need to start writing them down so i don't forget them. i already do some, in my blog, but there are oh so many more! love, debra
