Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Morning Musings

Friday and the weekend begins. Yeah! Last night DKB and I went to babysit my youngest grandson, Jonas, who is 2 weeks old. Well, I had Jonas for about 10 minutes and then asked DKB to hold him so that I could go to the bathroom. Well, to make a long story short - I never got him back before my son and daughter-in-law came back. But, that's okay. I was happy just to spend time with her and my grandson and watch the inter-action between them. Both seemed very happy and content. Tonight, I get my second-youngest grandson (Dylan) to baby-sit at my house and DKB will be there. Dylan (4 months old) will be there for the night though as my youngest daughter & hubby will be attending a party being thrown for Mary (who turns 21 on Monday) and adult beverages will be served, and being sensible they want come home until tomorrow morning.

Chatted with my middle daughter, Donna, this morning and it looks like her significant other will be getting transferred from Tinker AFB (Oklahoma) to Keesler AFB (Mississippi). This is a good thing since it would put her 3 1/2 to 4 hours away versus 12-13 hours she is now. We would be able to visit more often. It should take place in March or possibly April.

Random Shots in the dark (or "The Old Gray Matter Ain't What it Used to be!")
1. I once saw a UFO. I'll elaborate on the incident in a future blog. (And no - I wasn't probed.)
2. When a kid, I once shot my sister with a BB gun. No permanent damage, but my dad sure wore out my backside. I deserved it. Stupid thing to do.
3. I once raised white mice. Not because I liked them, but I sold the "pinkies" (babies) to pet shops to feed snakes. Hey! Hey! Hey! Snakes gotta eat too.
4. When I was a kid, I would put baseball cards in the wheels of my bicycle so that it would sound like a motorcycle.
5. I've been to the South Pole. Again, I'll elaborate in a future blog.

Everyone have a great weekend and I'll be back Monday.


  1. oh so much to learn about you! looking forward to i! and that is GREAT about donna, yea!!! yea!!! maybe we can go visit them, and chris, sorta combine it into one trip!! yea!! grins, debra

  2. I've seen one too. No shit.

  3. You have a great weekend too! Take care of that girl for us.

    My brother used to raise white mice too ... and then the whole endeavor turned into something of a nightmareish comedy.

    But we all survived.
