OK. When I started Jr. High (middle 60s) this store and did a pretty good business - despite the fact that students were told that crossing the busy road to make a purchase would result in a paddling.
This is a picture of the Coast Guard Cutter Salvia - my very first unit (in Mobile, AL) when I joined the "World's Largest Coast Guard" (to quote my Master Chief) in 1972.
My second unit - Coast Guard Station Pascagoula (MS). I was there until I went to Yeoman School in April 1975, just a couple of months after I had made rate as a Boatswains Mate Third Class (BM3).
I'll revist my my Coast Guard career in my next entry (hopefully). Every one have a great day!
aw, i love your memories, esp when you share them with lil stories about why they stay with you, love you, debra