Well, It didn't rain until late Saturday, so I got out Saturday morning/early afternoon and did quite a bit of yard work until I was tuckered out and quit for the day. I didn't want to overdo it. Guess I'm old enough to realize I can't push the way I used to when I was younger. Before I came in for the day though, I did a little whittling on some items I want to take to MoonDance with us later this month and I grilled some burgers (the last of our wedding reception food - from 6+ months ago)
Sunday DKW and I went to see Iron Man 2 (after watching the first again at home). I enjoyed the movie, but it didn't seem to have the same impact as the first one. As for my money, Mickey Rourke stole the show playing the super villian Ivan Vanko. As far as the teaser for the future Thor movie (which ran after the credits) - I felt it was sorely lacking. I knew what to expect thanks to my oldest son (who saw it last weekend), but c'mon - a crater in the ground and a close-up of Mjolnir! That's the best you can do? Really! Are you serious?
Now it is Monday morning and I just got a phone call from my youngest daughter and my newest grandchild was born at 9:52. Layla is grandchild #8. (Sorry - no particulars yet)
Everyone have a great day!
i love you, and i think that was stellar of mickey rourke...much better than most anything i've seen him in.