..... is going to be a busy one for DKW & I. Going to MoonDance this week. First I want to say, though, that my baby is very talented. This is a pic of the afghan that she made as a wedding present for her friend, Ferah. I love all the bright colors. Verrrrryyyyy Festive!
We will be leaving Thursday morning for MD in Georgia and I will be having one of my student workers house sitting and taking care of our animals for us. We plan to be back on next Monday (Memorial Day).
Watched the series finale of "Lost" last night. At the end, I was a bit disappointed. After 6 seasons, I guess I had really high expectations. I thought that the final "reveal" was a bit of a cop-out. I won't tell you what it is, in case you haven't seen it yet. However, I was still left with a lot of questions. Overall, I guess I would give it a "B+".
On the "Ooooooohhh!" front, I just found out that one of my favorite Authors (Neil Gaiman) is going to be writing an episode of one of my favorite TV shows, "
Doctor Who". I can't wait to see what he comes up with.
Yesterday we watched the movie "2012". DKW and I both thought it was just "OK". its 2 hours and 38 minutes long, and by the end it was feeling it. The special effects were great, but the plot seemed drawn from other disaster movies of its ilk (i.e. "The Day After Tomorrow") so it felt a little lame. Glad we didn't spend any money on it (borrowed from library). Well, DKW and I will be busy this week getting out stuff together for MoonDance. Everyone have a great day!