Thursday, February 5, 2015

41 & Counting

In a little less than 6 weeks, I will be entering into my second retirement.  I will be retiring from Mississippi State University (state retirement) and I am already retired from the U.S. Coast Guard.  This does not mean that I am stopping working though.  I did give it every consideration, but....... I will be 60 on April 3rd and am in arguably the best physical condition of my life.  Plus I like to stay busy. (Just ask DKW or my kids.)
So I worked on a resume a bit and have already applied for a couple of spots.  Nothing yet, but that's the good thing about 2 retirements - I don't have to be in a rush and can get something I want, not need.
However, I'm not above grabbing those senior discounts wherever they are offered.  Hey, might as well save as much as I can!
Anyway, Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Everyone have a great day!

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