It's been a bit over a week since I last made an entry and its has been somewhat aggravating.
First, DENVER! Really! One of my favorite NFL players (Peyton Manning)goes to one of the four NFL teams that I absolutely loathe! To me, there were so many other better places for him to land. Plus he's in the division of my number one favorite team, the Oakland Raiders! Again - Arrggggh!
And as a result of this, Slim KneeBow - err - Tim Tebow, is traded from Denver to one of my second-tier favorite teams, the New York Jets. Is it possible to pull for a team and against their QB? I'm conflicted about this. The good news, is that for the moment Mark Sanchez is still the Jets starter, but if he doesn't start strong - look for a quick trigger and the Jets will be "Tebowed" before you know it.
Last week was not good for MSU on their first baseball road trip. The lost the 2 midweek games to Southeastern Louisiana and 2 of the 3 SEC (opener) games at LSU. Then the game against Alabama A&M yesterday was rained out. So - pooh! Hopefully they can rebound at home this weekend against the Razorbacks.
This pastweekend DKW and I attended a meeting of the Starkville Writer's Guild downtown which was combined with a limerick contest (which we both entered - but no results yet) and some St.Patrick's day festivities. It was fun. I attended over my lunch break as I spent almost the entire day Saturday finishing the French drain that my oldest son had dug for me. I was just filling it in.
The area I mow (5+ acres) is starting to get a bit high with clover & weeds - and I'll really like to fire up by riding mower and get out to do it, but with all the rain we've have I can't do it this weekend and right now the long range forecast is predicting more rain on the 30th & 31st (Friday/Saturday). So Again - Arrrggghhh!
I know I might be considered a little odd by most folks for this - but I enjoy getting out and mowing. Its a simple task with a set completion point. Just (so-to-speak) point and shoot. And it gives a goodly portion of alone/thinking time. Which everyone needs on occasion.
Everyone have a great day!