This was a fairly eventful weekend even though I barely left the house. I was told that when I got home Friday that I was pale. I knew I didn't feel good but didn't realize until then that it showed. I medicated that evening and went to bed. I wasn't feeling too perky Saturday(but I did feel much better than Friday and even got a fair bit done around the house.) My oldest and her family, came by for a brief (less than an hour) visit - but it was nice to see them. They came to Starkville to get some stuff that was in storage and take to their new home in Jackson. My ex-boss Ron, and his wife Thelma, came by a later to visit and have supper with us. We had a very nice time visiting with them. Catching up with what had been going on with them and us in the 6 months or so since he retired.
Sunday, I was still achy - my right knee and lower back were hurting (I'm sure) because of all the damp weather. Well, it didn't get any better when I went out to feed Beider. As I stepped out the door, I turned to say something to my little dog, Sophie. Since I wasn't giving it my full attention I fell and was jarred from my toes all the way to the top of my head. This just served to aggravate my "achy-ness". I still have a constant achy pain - but its tolerable - with medication and I have made a doctor's appointment (at Columbus Air Force Base). But its not until the 30th. Oh well - perserverance will be my watchword this week.
And - I've got a dental appointment (for a cleaning) later this after noon. Oh well - Wotcha gonna do?
The Superbowl teams are now set (Giant and Patriots) and that game is on Feb. 5th. This weekend has The Senior Bowl (on Saturday) and the Pro Bowl (on Sunday). Then, other than Arena Leagues - no football 'til the new season starts. (August or so).
Everyone have a great day!