Hard to believe, but as of tomorrow (10/17/2009) there are only two weeks left until DKB and I are wed. While I am looking forward to the wedding, it has been a bit of a weird time for me and DKB has been very understanding. For those who don't know, my first wife died as the result of a fire in the field near our home (4 years ago). We had been married for 29 years when it happened. I never foresaw myself being in this situation. Statistically, women outlive men and when I married the first time I honestly believed I would never go through it again. Well, I guess that just goes to show that there is a lot of truth in the saying "Man plans and God Laughs". DKB is very understanding of my life and past history. My mother said it best when she told me (with DKB present) "You've been blessed with 2 good women". I agree with that. They are 2 very different women, but they are exactly the mate I needed at that point in my life.
Speaking of the wedding. I went out to the County Lake (where we are to have the ceremony) a couple of days ago and the pier on which we plan to hold the ceremony is almost completely under water. Only the hand rails (about 6 inches above the water) are visible. We've had a lot of rain, the first couple of weeks this month. The average for October (to this point) is 3.47 inches and so far we've had 7.58, more than double. The good news is is that there is only about a 20% chance of rain for the rest of the month, so hopefully things will dry out a bit and we'll be able to use the pier.
On a totally unrelated topic, I was daydreaming a bit of when I was a kid. During the summer, I would take my lawnmower around the neighborhood and cut yards to earn a bit of money. I had regular customers, whose lawns I cut every couple of weeks, but was usually able to pick the occasional additional customer when someone just didn't feel like cutting their yard. I would cut grass on Saturday mornings until 3 or 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. After I had refilled my gas can, I would take the money I had left and head to downtown Starkville (to the United Grocery on Main Street) where I would select a stack of comics that I wanted to buy and set them by my feet and then spend an hour or so reading other comics from the rack that I wasn't buying (until the manager told me I had been there long enough). The comics I was buying were 12 cents each, so I could buy a lot more than you can now-a-days. I still enjoy reading comics, just don't get to do it as ofter as I used to.
Everyone have a great day!