Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Well, its been a couple of weeks since I last posted - so I thought I'd catch-up a bit. Because the two Deans I (indirectly) work for want the CVM Branch Library open longer hours and the fact that there is a shortage of qualified student workers during May thru the summer term, I will occasionally be working flex-time.  In other words, working odd hours.  Duriing the months of June and July, My work week will run Sunday thru Thursday.  Its not as bad as it sounds.Sundays I will go in at 2 PM and work an 8 hour day.  Mon-Thu will (for the most part) be normal work hours.  My weekend will then be Friday and Saturday.  I WILL go back to a normal Mon-Fri work week before football season starts.  (That was non-negotiable on my part).
I got a little taste of it when I worked Sunday May 6th, then had a 3 day weekend (11-13). 
It was pretty nice.  Got a lot of things I wanted to do done around the house and had a nice cookout on Mother's Day for my Mama and DKW's Mama.  I did invite my first wife's Mama - but she declined.  She has one child still living and wanted to spend time with him.  I don't blame her one bit.  DKW and I have told her many times that she is always welcome to visit.    Even though we are (technically) not related - she will forever be my children's grandmother and as such a part of the family.
Everyone have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. you made this mother's day so very special, this entire past weekend was wonderful, hell, you make everyday extra sweet...i love you
