I noted its been about a week and a half since I last blogged - so I guess first I'll play a little catch-up
SHS lost in the 5A Championship game, but, as the runner-up they make the 4-team Championship Playoff in Jackson - beginning tomorrow. SHS (26-4) plays the #1 seed from the south - Wayne County (29-1). As coincidence would have it, Wayne County's one loss was to none other than SHS, but very early in the season.
After 7 games, MSU baseball stands at 6-1 with the University of Memphis coming to town tomorrow.
I've been pretty swamped with a myriad of tasks at work and lots of things I "want" to do at home. I feel like I'm coping fairly well and not getting too stressed. This past weekend though I had commitments to take care of and getting back to work today makes it seem like weeks since I've had time off. That being said, I can't really complain.
This past Saturday I baby-sat my grandson Jonas so that his dad (my son) could go out of town and pick up his wife at the airport. J-man and I spent most of the day together (at McDonald's - in the play area) and he had a great time. It was made even more pleasant since my oldest and her children were in town (from Jackson) and they happened by McD's not 5 minutes after I got there. Since her husband had a meeting to attend - They visited with me and J-Man at McDonald's. Jonas got to play with his cousins, and M and I got to visit for a couple of hours. It was very nice.
Life goes on and DKW and I are pretty content. Nothing major to report at the moment.
Everyone have a great Day!