I was a bit surprised and had to chuckle last night as both the women living at my house burst forth with girly-girl squeals over bugs yesterday. The bugs in question, in both occurences, were roaches. What made it so surprising is that neither of these ladies (my wife DKW and my middle daughter, Donna) is squeamish when it comes to bugs. DKW related her incident in her blog. Donna was just (I think) caught by surprise by one in the bathroom. Anyway - the squeals were unexpected and funny - at least to me.
Moving forward in getting my bike road-worthy. Everything I need to get it on the road has been ordered and I should be getting the items in in the next couple of weeks. I still want to get a wind screen to put on it, but its not absolutely necessary to get it road worthy.
One thing I've done for my children for several years now is make a list of things that I wouldn't mind getting for Christmas, if they are so inclined. My Christmas wish list is just that - a wish list of things I wouldn't mind getting, but no one is expected to buy me anything. The items start at around ten bucks and up. I've about finished the list and will be sending it out to my kids soon.
This weekend will be a bit full for me. Friday DKW & I will be going to the SHS football game with Tupelo and Saturday morning (an 11 AM kickoff) will be at the Mississippi State game with Alcorn State (the current line is MSU by 42). Really hope that is accurate and its a drama-free day for my Bulldogs. But I will be there with my sweetie, one of my son-in-laws and one of my grandsons ringing out my cowbell! GO DOGS!
Everyone have a great day!