Thursday, June 3, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, DKW and I had a great time at Moondance and are looking forward to returning for the 20th anniversary celebration next year. We had reserved a cabin, but the staff actually put us in a large, very nice RV which they dubbed "the honeymoon suite" since DKW and I have been married less than a year. It was great and believe you, me, a bed and AC is the WAY to camp. Beats the heck out of a tent and sleeping bags on the ground. Before we left, I put a deposit down on a cabin for next year. Call me a "wuss" if you must, but I likes my comfort.

When I got back to work Tuesday (since Monday was a holiday), I was almost overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to do left on my desk. I mean, I missed 2 working days (Thu/Fri-May 27/28) and I literally had stuff stacked 3 feet high on my desk. Besides that, I had to finish getting my student workers hired and their work schedule written for the summer term - but I am finally done with that. I shudder to think how much work will await me after DKW and I get back from our northern trek/vacation in July. We will be gone for nearly 3 weeks. YIKES! I'm glad I have someone lined up to housesit and take care of our animals. Relieves our minds a bit when we don't have to worry about our babies.

Yesterday was one of my grandson's birthday. Caleb turned 4. I stopped by his place briefly and gave him a gift of a big squirt gun and a couple of bags of candy. He was happy and even shared the candy with little bro, Dylan. They are a hoot. Baby sister, Layla, almost 3 weeks was a sleeping beauty most of the time I was there. Such a cutie!

Well, I'll probably blog again on Sunday (6/6/10) since I have to work that day. (Don't feel sorry for me though - I'm taking off Friday to make up for it.) Since 9/11 the university requires that all newly hired students have to go through a 5 day waiting period after being hired and since I have 3 new students - well - someone has to have the library open. Back to the grind!

Everyone have a great day

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