I have 2 chihuahua mix dogs (Harley - chi/whippet & Pearl - chi/feist) and DKB's Shaddow (Lab mix - knee high & 65 lbs.) Well, this morning when I let Harley & Pearl out of the kennel I keep them in (inside), Shaddow was bouncing up & down excitedy waiting to go out with them. To set this up properly, I have to tell you I have vinyl tile floors which are very slick to dogs which need their nails clipped, and there is one big turn they have to make coming through the kitchen when heading to the front door. (Now, don't get ahead of me - I know you can see it coming.) Anyway, as they rounded the turn, Harley's feet slipped out from under him and clipped Shaddow's back legs causing her to fall over and start to slide. She slid into & slightly under Pearl, ending up with Pearl "surfing" Shaddow up to the door, while Harley lay there with a slightly stunned "WTF" look on his face. I wish I had had a camera handy. It was priceless.
If you like blues and jazz, may I suggest that you listen to WWOZ out of New Orleans. They play a nice mix of jazz, blues, and zydeco. You know, N'awlin's music. Having lived in New Orleans for four years ('88-'92), it brings back some nice memories. I hoping that early next year DKB & I can make it down for Mardi Gras.
In 3 more days DKB & I are taking a little road trip and visiting her folks in Arkansas. I'm looking forward to a very nice (long) weekend. I've met her mom & dad before (although it was only an hour or so with dad), but I've never met her brother. A situation which will soon be changed.
Ahh, well, not much more to pass. Everyone have a Great Day!