Monkey in a tutu! |
Today, as with most weekdays lately, I was watching my youngest grandchild, Delilah Clementine. Since I did not bring my lunch with me today, and I had an errand to run anyway, I packed her (and her gear) into my car and off we went. After I ran my errand, I took DC to a world famous international restaurant for lunch. Since I had her apple juice with us, I got a meal (burger, fries, drink)and got a small order of nuggets for her. As we sat eating (and chatting), I had the opportunity to observe her. She was getting tired, but was in a good mood and eating well. She ate two of the nuggets, which may not seem like a lot, but considering the way she was putting down the fries (she ate most of the medium order that came with my meal), she had a big meal. As I watched her scarfing down fries, I was taken back to late 1990/early 1991 when my daughter (DC's mom) was 2 1/2 to 3 years old. At the time I was still on active duty with the coast Guard, and working a part-time job at Ted's Frostop in the Oakwood Center Mall in Terrytown, LA. (Across the bridge from New Orleans - in the West Bank area near where we lived). At the time, my family only had one vehicle. The mall closed at 9 PM during the week, and my wife would come with Mary to pick me up when we closed. I could always tell when they got there, because as soon as she came thru the door, little Mary would scream "Fries! Fries!" And everyone I worked with would squirrel away a few so that she would have some. So DC comes by her fry cravings honestly. Another observation I made, and I could be wrong, is that I think she is leaning towards being a southpaw. Nothing wrong with being a lefty, but I notice that if both hands were empty, she would take things with her left hand. If she had something in her left hand (say a nugget), she would transfer it to her right and take (oh, say a fry) things in her left. Just saying.
It was an enjoyable meal (other than assorted aches and body pains - not meal related). We came home afterwards, and she is down napping at the moment.
Last night, I went with Mary & DC "trick or treating" at the sorority/fraternity house at M.S.U. It was fun playing "top banana" to my little monkey, but I think I may have overdid it a bit and that's why I'm aching today. Oh well, just part of paying my "grandpa dues."
Everyone have a great day.