Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DKW Nomi

Yesterday was DKW's birthday and I think she had a pretty good day (I hope so anyway). She and my middle daughter spent most of the afternoon together - going to lunch at MugShots - a local eatery and enjoying a leisurely and (very) filling lunch before walking down through town to the library and then ending up at the BookMart for coffee, internet access, and conversation as they waited for me to finish my work day and join them. After I arrived, we went to Zorba's Greek Eatery for another leisurely meal and and entertaining evening as Cafe Scientifique presented a dramatic reading from the play Copenhagen. It was very enjoyable. After it was over my daughter had to go to work and DKW and I headed home.
This morning started very badly for me. As I pulled out of my driveway on my motorcycle I discovered the body of Nomi (the dog we had just gained from my daughter a couple of months earlier) on the side of the road. Though she hadn't been with us long I was badly shaken. She was a very sweet dog. A wonderfully expressive face and she fit in well with Pearl and Shaddow. I pulled back in my drive, got a back to wrap her in and put her up in my barn. I will bury her when I get off of work this evening. A task I'm not looking forward to. I'm really going to miss her.
Everyone Have A Great Day!

1 comment:

  1. i did have a wonderful day yesterday. i'm sorry that you started your morning so unpleasantly. nomi will definitely be missed by all, she was incredibly sweet and playful, bringing out the puppy in pearl and cozying up with shaddow. i've gotten used to her sleeping with us and giving high~fives! and sprawling on my lap and letting me mess with her ears. she's a great lil girl, love you so
