Can you watch this & not go "Na na Na na Na na Na na, Batman!" |

Ooops! And it made it to TV, |
I was reading a book this morning and it touched on a personal artifact of one of the characters and when person he had been when in the military. I experienced a minor flashback about the person I was and what I had been doing during my time in the Coast Guard. 21 years is a long time in a job, but for most folks, not a lifetime. In most aspects I was a different person then. Younger, less mature, and with a young family. For the most part, I can currently divide my life into pre-CG (17 years); CG (21 years); and post CG (22 yrs & counting). Now there are all sorts of ways I could divide my (almost) 60 years, but that's a pretty big one (& less likely to cause any family drama.)
In my pre-CG years, I was (and still am in many respects) a comic-book geek. Heck I was watching cartoons - that I had tivo-ed - last night (but I digress). An article online caught my attention that beginning at 6:00 AM on Friday, July 4th, the IFC Network (Channel 564 / DirecTV) will start a marathon in which they will air all 3 seasons (1966-1968) - a total of 120 episodes of "
BATMAN" (starring Adam West and Burt Ward). I don't think I'll try to TiVo and watch them all, but I will probably pick and choose what I remember as some of my favorites. For example, the 2 eps. with Liberace cast as a villain, Vincent Price as "Egghead", The "Green Hornet" cross-over, any with Batgirl (As a pre-teen boy, I had such a crush on Yvonne DeCarlo, Ha-cha-cha-cha!), just to mention a few.
I mentioned the 4th holiday earlier, and we will be having a cook-out for a few friends and famiy, but there is another (kind of ) mini-milestone on that day. It will mark 300 days until I am eligible to retire. I don't think that I will, but it will be nice to have the option next year.
One last thing, tomorrow (July 3rd) marks one year since Chiquita joined our household, and we couldn't imagine not having her.
Sophie & Chiquita |
Everyone have a great day, and a Great Holiday weekend.